Travel to Samara

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Samara is a village located in the province of Guanacaste on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. This village is famous because of its main beach with palm tree borders. In the West zone, rays and tropical fish are attracted to rays.

When to go to Samara?

Its history is not known, the village is still a very coveted tourist destination. Its climate is tropical and it is hot and sunny during the dry period from December to April. It’s the most popular season for visitors. As for the rainy season, it runs from May to November and is slightly cooler. This is the time when sea turtle nesting peaks.

Must sees in Samara

Samara beach

It stretches for 7km and is protected by rock and the coral reef, which helps limit waves. The currents are not dangerous and this makes it an ideal place for swimming. You can camp under the palm trees for a good moment of relaxation.

Ostional's refuge

It is the second most important nesting site in Costa Rica. It is on the road that connects the village of Samara to Tamarindo. This refuge is bounded to the north by Punta India and to the south by the mouth of the Nosara river. You will be able to attend the birth of turtles which is usually done during the night.

Carillo Beach

It is a perfect beach to relax and unwind in Guanacaste. The sea water is similar to that of a swimming pool and the place is peaceful and calm. You will find a few restaurants nearby. It is definitely one of the best beaches in Costa Rica. The beach is just a few kilometers from Samara.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Samara is a small village in the province of Guanacaste on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. To get there by road by rental vehicle from San José, a distance of 239km (around 4:30 hours drive), or from Liberia, a distance of 112km (around 2 hours drive). Other transportation offered to destination, a small domestic flight from San José with a local company (40 min.) Accompanied by a taxi to Samara Beach; or by bus from San José, around 05:30 hrs.
Samara is a small village with wild beaches bordered by coconut palms, which leads to relaxation and the practice of rather calm activities, while Tamarindo, more lively, attracts the surf enthusiast to these beaches.
Temperatures are fairly constant in Samara; from January to April, precipitation is less frequent, the weather is drier, it is the best time of the year to go there.
Temperatures vary seasonally in Samara; from January to May, temperatures are warmer, up to 36 C., little precipitation; from late May to December, more frequent rainfall, average temperature around 23 C., and avoid September and October when the rains are abundant.
In Samara, several activities are available to you: wild beaches bordered by coconut palms and protected by a coral reef, therefore suitable for snorkeling; horseback rides along the beaches or in the jungle; yoga on the edge of the beach at dawn or at sunset; go 'big game fishing', a very popular activity in Samara with the locals; see Belen waterfalls, national parks, etc.
Several translations or meanings can be given to 'Samara'; whether it is 'the guardian' or the 'protected of God', or even a nocturnal conversation, or even, a dry and winged fruit, in botany. But first and foremost, it's a small, sunny Costa Rican seaside town with pristine beaches and perfect scenery!
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